Hey there!
Want to get the perfect jewelry for your loved one or friend but you don’t have a clue what they like.
You’re in the right place!
Take the guess work out of picking jewelry for your loved one and give them the joy of choosing their own special piece of jewelry from Eva-Lauren Designs.
***Select your desired denomination and add the gift card to the cart. Proceed to checkout. ***
***Once the gift card is fulfilled you will receive a confirmation email with your order information. A separate email will be sent containing a unique gift card code to enter at checkout, and instructions on how to redeem the cards value. Forward the second email to the person you’re gifting the gift card to.***
***Please send an email to ashlee@evalaurendesigns.com if your desired gift card amount is not available. ***
***Please also note that the gift card payment can only be processed through shop pay and no other third party or alternative payment company i.e. Afterpay, PayPal, etc. ***